Hostile Environment Awareness
Training (HEAT)

The HEAT course is a five-day training programme in which participants will learn how to deal effectively with critical or emergency situations while deployed in hostile environment missions. This training is aimed at improving the capabilities of the participants in their daily work in conflict situations.
Since 2003, more than 500 students have benefited from our course throughout its 25 editions. The HEAT course is integrated within our REACT program (Rapid Expert Assistance and Cooperation Teams for Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management and Post-Conflict Rehabilitation) as a practical complement to the theory taught for work in Peace Missions.
The need to train people who are already working or will be working in risk situations has led Helsinki España to launch the HEAT course on an individual basis, offering the possibility of training more people and for shorter periods of time.
Intended for business and humanitarian professionals to be deployed in high-risk areas.
To provide participants with the necessary skills to deal with situations in which armed conflicts arise, their key actors and their impact on civilians.
To improve participants’ capacity in conflict resolution and protection of civilians in armed conflicts.
To strengthen the competence and confidence of participants to deal effectively with risky or critical situations, as would be the case when working in peacekeeping missions.
To provide participants with useful and simple tools that allow them to react as effectively as possible to risk situations.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail at