Join us!

In Helsinki España we see education and peacebuilding as the main instruments for the promotion and achievement of a future based in respect and protection of Human Rights.

However, we need your help to keep on. There are several ways through which you could support us:

  • Donating. This goes directly for the financial support of our projects. It’s an easy process and you can get to choose contributing with the amount that suits better your economic situation.
  • If you are a private enterprise, you can also make economic or in-kind donations.

You can help us create awareness or join our social networks and help us to raise our voice even more.

Nevertheless, if you feel more as an action-oriented person, you can also become part of our team, whether as a volunteer or intern.

Thanks for believing that a fairer world is possible.

Agustin Hernández. Argentina

Agustin Hernández. Argentina

Field Officer in the Colombian Peace

All this would not have been possible without the contributions to the Helsinki España scholarship program, which allowed me to take the 2018 REACT course.

My experience in the REACT course, apart from being highly enriching both personally and professionally, opened me the doors to the world of humanitarian work. I currently work as a field officer in the Colombian Peace Process where I put into practice what I learned in the REACT course to support the communities where I have been deployed for 2 years.

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