Oct 20, 2020 | Youth to Youth
If you want to train yourself in human rights and create awareness on values such as equality, tolerance and non-discrimination on children.
If you are interested, you can check more information in Youth to Youth.
Just join our team!
Calls are now open:

Oct 15, 2020 | Youth to Youth
We hereby present you Kamal Aldalati, student of medicine at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
He will be with us in the next human rights training session for our project Youth toYouth in Galicia to share with us his testimony and give us a wide perspective and approach to the reality migrants live.
Kamal is a syrian refugee, he used to work as an anesthetist in a hospital until he had to run away from his country because he was at risk of death. His testimony will help young college students who will volunteer with us, to fully comprehend the dimensions of the migratory phenomenon and the right to asylum. Additionally, they will learn key tools to sensibilize about this topic to children in schools.
We still have places available for you to participate in our project!
Sign up: Helsinki@helsinkiespana.org