Greater integration in society

Greater integration in society

With the aim of giving the initiative greater visibility, we have taken the opportunity to mobilize the campaign on our social networks by creating a dissemination brochure that included not only our bank account number for monetary donations, but also a QR code so that Anyone who would like to collaborate could join our WhatsApp group, which has been specially created with the aim of covering other needs that the family may present, coordinating the demand with its participants.

In this context, Helsinki Spain, being transparent at all times, has reported through the WhatsApp group that the family needed certain hygiene products, as well as clothing, so anyone who could collaborate did so through monetary donations, raising €455, clothing donations and a big purchase in a store, hitting everything! When the family arrived at our office on Friday, March 18, to then go shopping, we focused on their needs, insisting that they be honest and comfortable with expressing what they needed, without experiencing any rush.

Being operational, we have made an appointment on March 28 at a transport office with the aim of providing the family with total mobility around Madrid and, likewise, we have requested an appointment on April 4 to process the registration of the four. In this way, the next step would be to apply for medical cards at a community health center.

On the other hand, and following the desire of Tatiana, the mother, to work, we have found some jobs for her as cleaning staff. We have spoken with the people who facilitate them for the week of March 28 to April 1 to go with the mother to show her where the houses where she is going to work are and help her the first day with the language so that the next time feel more secure.



A first contact

A first contact

We present the Kishka family, they come from Chervonograd, a region in western Ukraine, and they are Larisa (the grandmother), Tatiana (the mother) and Anna and Sofia (their daughters). They were forced to flee the country considering that the Russian offensive in the region was increasing and it was not safe to continue there. Tatiana’s husband is a military man, so he has been forced to stay, the separation being very hard

They arrived in Madrid on the night of Saturday, February 26, and received support from a well-known family living here, but considering that they could not support them, they came to us.

The next day we met them at the home that a lady gave us, where they were going to reside for a first period of time. We were aware that the situation made it impossible to have many belongings, so we mobilized our extensive network of contacts who acted in solidarity to donate clothing, food and essential products.

Thanks to the fact that Virginia, a lawyer from the Madrid Bar Association, came into contact with us, we were able to process the documentation at the center set up in Pozuelo for this on Tuesday, March 15. They were exhausting hours, especially for the family, because neither Virginia nor the staff of our Association who know Ukrainian let us pass with them. However, finally the wait was worth it because we left the place happy to have obtained the International Protection agreed by the Government of Spain.

In addition, prior to this, on Monday, March 14, we held a meeting with all our Team together with the family, Virginia and Luis, a Russian-speaking man who has shown his desire to help in relation to the family’s integration into Spanish society. In this meeting they talked about the future plans of the family and how they saw their residence in Spain. While the mother told us that she would like to start a new life here and find a job, 14-year-old Anna agreed that it would be difficult for her to join a public center in Madrid in order to maintain her schooling; however, little by little she has become more open to it, and Sofía, 18, confessed that she is awaiting the announcements from the university where she studies Physical Education in order to resume her studies online.


We thank all those people who are making this possible because only thanks to them can we help this family.


We will inform you shortly of how the processing of the transport card, registration, health card, schooling, search for permanent accommodation, as well as job search for Tatiana continues.



“Embrace a Ukrainian family” initiative

“Embrace a Ukrainian family” initiative

The crisis in Ukraine that arose as a result of the Russian invasion has caused a wave of refugees to countries such as Poland or Romania, which together have come together to give shelter to families who have been forced to leave their homes, some hoping to return and being able to continue with his life and others, with a lump in his throat trying to look ahead and not look back, assimilating that he will not be able to resume his life soon.

That is why Helsinki Spain has decided to launch the “Embrace a ukrainian family” initiative thanks to which the Association undertakes to give shelter to a Ukrainian family that has been forced to leave their country because of the cruel latent war in it through the following proposal:

  • Pay for a rental home in the city of Madrid and supply with what is necessary to be able to live in the country, thus covering the essential needs of the family.
  • In addition, it is expected that by having these with children, a schooling plan will be launched so that they can not only obtain a decent and quality education, but also learn the Spanish language that can facilitate their integration within of Spanish society.
  • Facilitate all legal and juridical procedures for the family so that their stay in Spain is legal and they can have access to all public services free of charge and without interruption..

Helsinki España thanks to its wide network of contacts, wants to raise funds to be able to guarantee this family a reception of two years of residence in Spain. This initiative seeks that anyone who can contribute their help, by making a monetary amount to the organization, to create a bank account exclusively reserved for this campaign, in order to make it possible. The Association considers that each one will be free to contribute the amount they wish, being able to do so monthly over the two years covered within this campaign or donate a total amount directly.

It is important to note that for this initiative to be possible, the Team of the Helsinki Spain organization has a person born in Ukraine who speaks the language and who can support the family, facilitating communication with the other members of the Association.

In order for the family to feel safe, the rental contract will be in the name of the Helsinki Spain organization, which will make its actions public every month via its website. In this way, its transparency before the community will be guaranteed.

Thanks to the entire Team, the great network of contacts of Helsinki Spain both nationally and internationally, and the cooperation of the community, the Association seeks to contribute its grain of sand and show solidarity with Ukraine and its population.

Soon we will enable a tab on our website to inform you about the evolution of the project.

If you are interested in participating, but have questions about how to do it, contact us via email at r by calling us at 915335455 or 629544873.



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