Course on Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution

Course on Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution


Numerous scholars have highlighted that the actions of mothers and fathers have a direct influence on their sons and daughters and vice versa, finding in most cases a lack of communication and understanding between the former and the latter, something that affects the emotional intelligence of both. That is why Helsinki Spain opens a new call for mothers and fathers dealing with the following topics:

• Emotional intelligence and how it can be integrated from home education.

• Why now and what are the challenges of the 21st century in terms of emotional intelligence.

• Pillars of education throughout life.

• Forms of expression as models for their learning in communication.

• Strategies and ways to educate in self-control and conflict resolution from a respectful education.


Identify daily actions, language and routines used that motivate the distance between family members.

  • Learn to resolve conflicts to avoid instability in the family nucleus.
  • Provide fathers and mothers with the necessary knowledge to face difficult situations in order to achieve harmony in the family where the conflict unites all the members of the home.

On this occasion, we will have a presentation by Raquel Martínez González, a health psychologist with more than 20 years of experience in developing and training family members and teaching staff about adolescents at risk.

  • The orientation of her work is cognitive-behavioral, having complemented this training with a specialization in positive psychology and psychosomatic medicine.
  • In recent years she has dedicated herself in depth to the training and development of Emotional Intelligence both in the classroom and at home

Data of interest:

  • The session will be held online on the ZOOM platform.
  • Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
  • Date: November 19, 2022.
  • Free training with the support of the Ayuntamiento de Madrid


Sign up here:






Tools for mainstreaming gender equality in the classroom

Tools for mainstreaming gender equality in the classroom

We open the call for our awareness course aimed at teaching staff in which the following topics will be discussed:

  1. Explanation about the sex-gender system and its repercussions in the personal and in the social structure.
  2. The effect that this system of gender division has on the educational system.
  3. With everything collected, tools will be offered to promote positive social change in the classroom.


  • Provide teaching staff with the necessary tools to identify inequalities in the educational field, and to develop a non-sexist education that provides values ​​of equality and contributes to overcoming discrimination and social prejudice.
  • Provide the necessary resources to carry out egalitarian educational practices in the classroom.

We will have Celia Garrido, who has previously collaborated with us in different formations with a gender perspective. Celia is a consultant, trainer and expert in gender equality and violence.

  • She was part of the project to prevent sexist violence in education “Beatings don’t just hurt”.
  • Designs and develops awareness, reflection and training workshops for different public and private entities.

Data of interest:

  • The session will be held online on the ZOOM platform.
  • Hours: 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Date: November 2 and 3, 2022.
  • Free training subsidized by the Ayuntamiento de Madrid.


Registration through this link:






Tools for the integration of gender equality in the classroom

Tools for the integration of gender equality in the classroom


Free awareness Webminar for Teaching Staff in which the following topics will be discussed:

  1. Explanation of the gender system and its repercussions on the staff and on the social structure.
  2. Effects the gender division system on the educational system.
  3. Once all the information has been presented, tools to promote a positive social change inside the classroom will be offered.


Providing the teaching staff with the necessary tools to identify inequalities in education, and to develo a non-sexist education that provides values of equality and helps to overcome discrimination ans social prejudice. Providing with the necessary resources to carry out egalitarian educational practivces in the classroom as well.

Our guest speaker will be Celia Garrido, who has previously collaborated with us in different formations with gender perspective. Celia is a consultant, trainer and expert on gender equality and violence.

  • She was part of the project to prevent sexist violence in education “not only punches hurt”.
  • She is also part of the teaching staff of the Master in Maltrato y violencia de género – UNED.
  • She designs and develops awarenes, reflection and training workshops for different public and private entities.


For the 2021 edition, due to the health situation we are facing nowadays, the webminar will be carried out through the ZOOM platform.

Dates: Wednesday the 14th and Thursday the 15h of April, 2021
Time: 4PM-8PM
Cost: FREE”







Youth for Youth: Educating in Human Rights and SDGs” returns to Madrid and Asturias!

Youth for Youth: Educating in Human Rights and SDGs” returns to Madrid and Asturias!


A volunteering project organized by Helsinki-España, in collaboration with Ayuntamiento de Madrid, where you will receive training in Human Rights by the hand of experts in order to attend to schools and raise awareness among the students through a participatory methodology.


Training starts in March (22th to the 26th in Asturias) (15th to the 19th in Madrid). Join us and participate!!


Contact us at or sign up her.


#DerechosHumanos #DDHH #HumanRights #Helsinki #Madrid #ODS #voluntariado #educandoenvalores #formacion #instagram


If you are interested, you can check more information in Youth to Youth.






The IMPETU project “Impact of the Pandemic on Tourism in Spain: Implications for the Employment of Women in a Female Sector”

The IMPETU project “Impact of the Pandemic on Tourism in Spain: Implications for the Employment of Women in a Female Sector”

The tourism sector in Spain is of great importance, as pointed out by the general director of Turespaña, Miguel Sanz, also characterized by being a source of income for women, since they participate more actively in it. Thus, highlighting the statement and according to the Active Population Survey (EPA), male hostelry workers reached 6.9% in this third quarter of 2020, while women stood at 8.8%.

Consequently, and with the arrival of COVID – 19, unemployment has increased in this sector, with barely visible advances that may suggest that the situation has improved. There has been an increase in the unemployment rate in tourist activities by 17.3% in the third quarter of the year, in the middle of the high season, compared to 10.7% in 2019. This represents a great decline in the achievements until the moment in which the pandemic has arrived, thus slowing down the empowerment of women in the tourism sector and all the opportunities that were offered to face equality between the sexes, something that in the words of the World Tourism Organization is a clear factor that produces a great multiplier effect on employment. Alessandra Priante, director of the regional department for Europe of the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), has stated that it is estimated that in Spain the situation of tourism prior to the arrival of COVID – 19 can be reached in the best of cases by the end of year 2021 or early 2022.

Although few women have recovered their jobs or have gotten one, the vast majority of them find themselves in a situation with no way out, the impact on their economic conditions being a ruin and, already emerging as one of the great affected by the implications of the coronavirus crisis. That is why Carlos Garrido, president of the Spanish Confederation of Travel Agencies (CEAV) has clearly shown that this crisis is and will be the crisis of tourism.

Due to this fact, the IMPETU project “Impact of the Pandemic on Tourism in Spain: Implications for the Employment of Women in a Female Sector” arises, coordinated by the Complutense University of Madrid, and in which researchers from the University participate from Seville, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Francisco de Vitoria University and ESIC, in addition to our entity, Helsinki España, has been selected by the Supera Covid-19 Fund financed by CRUE Universidades and Banco Santander.

In this way, IMPETU will focus on women whose work activity is linked to the tourism sector and who, due to the pandemic, has been reduced or damaged. In addition, Helsinki España will offer a career orientation course to 50 young women between 21 and 30 years old who have graduated in Tourism and who, nevertheless, are in a situation of unemployment.




The IMPETU project "Impact of the Pandemic on Tourism in Spain: Implications for the Employment of Women in a Female Sector"




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