Dec 20, 2021 | Youth to Youth
Youth for Youth is back in Toledo for this 2022, a project supported by the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 and aimed at university youth who find in Human Rights education a tool for the promotion of values related to tolerance , equality and respect for diversity.
If you are interested in issues related to the Sustainable Development Goals, mental and emotional health, social exclusion, the migratory phenomenon, gender, bullying and more topics related to Human Rights; If you consider that there is a lack of knowledge about them and you believe that education is the best instrument to change the situation, this is your volunteer service! Through the program “Youth for Youth: Educating in Human Rights and Sustainable Development Goals” you will have the opportunity to learn and teach about these issues to school-age boys and girls.
What is this program about? Once registered, the young volunteers receive in the first phase a week-long training on human rights and SDGs from various experts and civil society organizations. In Toledo, the training will take place between January 24 and 28 at the University of Castilla La-Mancha (Toledo Campus) and various topics will be discussed, all of which are related to human rights. In addition, during the training, strategies and tools will be acquired to adapt this new knowledge to the classroom through participatory dynamics and methodologies.
Are you afraid to go alone? Do not worry! The training also tries to create a learning and meeting space so that young people with the same interests meet and establish links, forming couples with whom they later go to schools. In the second phase, the youth volunteers will go to a classroom in a school in Toledo to transmit the knowledge they have learned to children and adolescents. Couples will carry out 4 sessions in the assigned classroom.
Sign up here: ✍️

Oct 15, 2020 | Youth to Youth
We hereby present you Kamal Aldalati, student of medicine at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
He will be with us in the next human rights training session for our project Youth toYouth in Galicia to share with us his testimony and give us a wide perspective and approach to the reality migrants live.
Kamal is a syrian refugee, he used to work as an anesthetist in a hospital until he had to run away from his country because he was at risk of death. His testimony will help young college students who will volunteer with us, to fully comprehend the dimensions of the migratory phenomenon and the right to asylum. Additionally, they will learn key tools to sensibilize about this topic to children in schools.
We still have places available for you to participate in our project!
Sign up:

Mar 18, 2020 | Youth to Youth
“Youth to Youth” has as main objective to educate and raise awareness on human rights trough out two different phases:
To begin, university students receive an academic formation from experts in diverse topics, so they can afterwards go to schools and pass on their knowledge in a dynamic way to pupils in between 5 and 18 years old.
The programme has been running the past nineteen years all over the Spanish territory, and even in some places abroad. 2020 was not going to be any different.
This experience has been very well received by the students of Universitat de València, who had the opportunity to learn about:
- Basic human rights concepts
- Sustainable development concepts
- Migratory Law
- Gender equality and non-discrimination
- Tolerance on social media, facing hate crimes
- Environment and sustainability
Students will soon attend school centres from your region to hold four different sessions on the topics of their choice. Therefore, they develop management and communication skills while raising awareness among primary and secondary students.
If you are interested, there are still places available for the cities we are going to be visiting in the upcoming months. Here you can find the links to register for the forthcoming calls: