Oct 17, 2023 | Education, Human Rights
With the diploma presentation ceremony, the course on civil-military cooperation by OCHA, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, has come to an end for the second consecutive year in l’Alfàs del Pi. This event was organized by the Helsinki Spain association, the Ministry of Defense, and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID).
Over the course of a week, 24 individuals were trained in organizing civil-humanitarian coordination actions in emergency situations.
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs is the UN Secretariat’s arm responsible for mobilizing and coordinating the response of humanitarian actors to emergencies.
OCHA’s responsibilities after a disaster, at the request of the affected country, include assessing needs, forwarding requests for humanitarian aid funding to other agencies, organizing donor meetings and monitoring mechanisms, overseeing the status of contributions made in response to requests, and providing reports as events unfold.
From the l’Alfàs del Pi City Hall, the Councilor for Association Relations, Patrick de Meirsman, expressed gratitude to Helsinki Spain for hosting this course in the municipality for the second year, where experts in international humanitarian assistance in emergency situations are trained. De Meirsman attended the closing ceremony, held at a hotel in l’Alfàs del Pi, alongside María Jaén and Ángela Suárez, representatives of the Helsinki Spain association.
Sep 18, 2023 | Human Rights
“Challenges and Threats to International Security: Building Critical Thinking from the University” is an event funded by the General Secretariat for Defense Policy of the Ministry of Defense. Its objective is to enhance knowledge about current challenges and threats to international security, encourage analysis and critical thinking, and engage young people in key issues in today’s international security. The sessions will be led by representatives from the Ministry of Defense, the Higher Center for National Defense Studies, the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies, and security experts.
If you’re interested in delving into the major global threats that jeopardize peace and international security, understanding the impact of disinformation on contemporary democracies through the use of social media, and learning about the risks associated with new hybrid warfare strategies, you shouldn’t miss this activity.
With a duration of approximately 5 hours, there will be three sessions led by experts, followed by one university debate session. The project focuses on fostering critical thinking to enhance the analytical and argumentative abilities of the participants. To achieve this, at the end of the event, different groups will be formed among the attendees to discuss issues previously raised during the event.
The event will take place on Monday, October 9th, from 08:30 AM to 02:00 PM at the Higher Center for National Defense Studies (Paseo de la Castellana, 61, 28046, Madrid).
Register here or via email at helsinkiespana@helsinkiespana.org

Oct 14, 2022 | Human Rights
Helsinki España has hosted a civil-military cooperation course organized by OCHA, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. An activity organized by the Helsinki España association, the Ministry of Defense, and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
For a week, 24 people of 15 different nationalities have been trained in l’Alfàs del Pi in the organization of civil-humanitarian coordination actions in emergency situations.
OCHA’s responsibilities in the aftermath of a disaster are, at the request of the affected country: to assess needs, forward humanitarian aid funding requests to other agencies, organize donor meetings and follow-up arrangements, monitor the status of contributions made in response to requests and send reports on events as they happen.
From the City Council of l’Alfàs del Pi, the Councilors for Cooperation and Volunteering, Isabel Muñoz, and for Residents, Martine Mertens, have highlighted the importance of hosting a course of these characteristics in l’Alfàs del Pi, in which experts in international humanitarian assistance in emergency situations. Both councilors attended the award ceremony with which this training course ended.
Jul 13, 2022 | Education, Talleres
Numerous scholars have highlighted that the actions of mothers and fathers have a direct influence on their sons and daughters and vice versa, finding in most cases a lack of communication and understanding between the former and the latter, something that affects the emotional intelligence of both. That is why Helsinki Spain opens a new call for mothers and fathers dealing with the following topics:
• Emotional intelligence and how it can be integrated from home education.
• Why now and what are the challenges of the 21st century in terms of emotional intelligence.
• Pillars of education throughout life.
• Forms of expression as models for their learning in communication.
• Strategies and ways to educate in self-control and conflict resolution from a respectful education.
Identify daily actions, language and routines used that motivate the distance between family members.
- Learn to resolve conflicts to avoid instability in the family nucleus.
- Provide fathers and mothers with the necessary knowledge to face difficult situations in order to achieve harmony in the family where the conflict unites all the members of the home.
On this occasion, we will have a presentation by Raquel Martínez González, a health psychologist with more than 20 years of experience in developing and training family members and teaching staff about adolescents at risk.
- The orientation of her work is cognitive-behavioral, having complemented this training with a specialization in positive psychology and psychosomatic medicine.
- In recent years she has dedicated herself in depth to the training and development of Emotional Intelligence both in the classroom and at home
Data of interest:
- The session will be held online on the ZOOM platform.
- Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Date: November 19, 2022.
- Free training with the support of the Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/keYJvQ9PgNGzmezx5

May 31, 2022 | REACT
Yesterday we launched the 26th edition of our REACT program.
The inauguration took place in the locality of El Albir in Alfaz del Pi, Alicante, Spain. The session began with opening remarks by Ms. Martine Mertens, who welcomed all attendees on behalf of the Alfaz del Pi City Council. Subsequently, the President of Helsinki España, Ms. Maria Jaen, took the floor and officially announced the beginning of the program. On behalf of the entire Helsinki España team, she welcomed all guests and expressed special appreciation towards Under-Secretary for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, whose presence, she kindly remarked, made the launch of this year’s edition “my most special opening to date”. Ms Martine Mertens then introduced and gave the floor to USG Lacroix.
“In the face of contemporary challenges, all of us working on conflict prevention, crisis management, peacekeeping and peacebuilding should strive to nurture our skills, share lessons learned, and foster new partnerships. This is why programs like REACT are so important and why all of us in the Department of Peace Operations welcome the opportunity to partner with Helsinki España,” said Under-Secretary General for Peace Operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix. At the end of his address, he addressed this year’s participants: “Mindset and motivation – these are critical elements for success in peace missions”, he added. “I hope that many of you will serve in our missions.”
REACT is Helsinki España’s flagship international peacebuilding program: a comprehensive 220h in-person training on Conflict Prevention, Crisis Management, and post-Conflict Rehabilitation. It was launched in 2003 by proposal from Spain’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation with support from the OSCE and the United Nations, with the aim of equipping selected professionals with the skills and competencies required to deploy in international peace operations. This year’s edition will last from May 30th to July 1st, with its first four weeks taking place in Alicante.
What makes this month-long program unique, besides being imparted by high-profile experts and trainers from international and public institutions – including numerous UN agencies; the OSCE, EU, NATO, and ICRC; and Spain’s ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs – is that it represents an opportunity for both career development as well as career transition and is the only training program of its kind that takes place in Spain. The 2022 cohort includes students from 11 different nationalities: from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and the United States; to Cameroon, Nigeria, Syria, and India, among others.
Over the past 19 years, Helsinki España has successfully organized 25 REACT editions, training over 500 professionals from 70+ countries (including during COVID-19). Attesting to the success of the program, today REACT alumni (the majority of whom are women) are deployed in 85+ countries; operate virtually within all sectors (public, private, NGO) and at all levels (from entry-level to senior management); and represent one of Spain’s main contributions to human-centred international peace and security efforts. Together with Helsinki España staff, diplomatic corps, local authorities, and media, some alumni had come from as far as Nigeria and India to attend the inauguration of the program with USG Lacroix.
USG Lacroix arrived in Spain on Sunday May 29th – on the date the UN commemorates the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers to recognize the service and sacrifice of the more than one million personnel who have served under the blue flag since 1948, and to honour the memory of those peacekeepers who have lost their lives in the cause of peace.
This year, the United Nations will mark the occasion under the theme People Peace Progress: The Power of Partnerships to highlight the importance of partnerships – with Member States, local communities, regional organizations, NGOs and civil society, and within the UN system – in building and sustaining peace and achieving peacekeeping mandates.
Candidates interested in participating in REACT 2023 can already submit their applications. For more information about the program, visit its official profile on ReliefWeb.