Jul 13, 2022 | Education, Talleres
Numerous scholars have highlighted that the actions of mothers and fathers have a direct influence on their sons and daughters and vice versa, finding in most cases a lack of communication and understanding between the former and the latter, something that affects the emotional intelligence of both. That is why Helsinki Spain opens a new call for mothers and fathers dealing with the following topics:
• Emotional intelligence and how it can be integrated from home education.
• Why now and what are the challenges of the 21st century in terms of emotional intelligence.
• Pillars of education throughout life.
• Forms of expression as models for their learning in communication.
• Strategies and ways to educate in self-control and conflict resolution from a respectful education.
Identify daily actions, language and routines used that motivate the distance between family members.
- Learn to resolve conflicts to avoid instability in the family nucleus.
- Provide fathers and mothers with the necessary knowledge to face difficult situations in order to achieve harmony in the family where the conflict unites all the members of the home.
On this occasion, we will have a presentation by Raquel Martínez González, a health psychologist with more than 20 years of experience in developing and training family members and teaching staff about adolescents at risk.
- The orientation of her work is cognitive-behavioral, having complemented this training with a specialization in positive psychology and psychosomatic medicine.
- In recent years she has dedicated herself in depth to the training and development of Emotional Intelligence both in the classroom and at home
Data of interest:
- The session will be held online on the ZOOM platform.
- Hours: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Date: November 19, 2022.
- Free training with the support of the Ayuntamiento de Madrid
Sign up here: https://forms.gle/keYJvQ9PgNGzmezx5

Jul 13, 2022 | Talleres
We open the call for our awareness course aimed at teaching staff in which the following topics will be discussed:
- Explanation about the sex-gender system and its repercussions in the personal and in the social structure.
- The effect that this system of gender division has on the educational system.
- With everything collected, tools will be offered to promote positive social change in the classroom.
- Provide teaching staff with the necessary tools to identify inequalities in the educational field, and to develop a non-sexist education that provides values of equality and contributes to overcoming discrimination and social prejudice.
- Provide the necessary resources to carry out egalitarian educational practices in the classroom.
We will have Celia Garrido, who has previously collaborated with us in different formations with a gender perspective. Celia is a consultant, trainer and expert in gender equality and violence.
- She was part of the project to prevent sexist violence in education “Beatings don’t just hurt”.
- Designs and develops awareness, reflection and training workshops for different public and private entities.
Data of interest:
- The session will be held online on the ZOOM platform.
- Hours: 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Date: November 2 and 3, 2022.
- Free training subsidized by the Ayuntamiento de Madrid.
Registration through this link: https://forms.gle/qJ7v34p6ofyEg2LMA

Nov 22, 2021 | Education, Employment guidance and social collaboration
Low activity rates, extremely high unemployment figures, precarious employment conditions and the situation with respect to the COVID-19 pandemic compromise the future of a generation that feels frustrated, condemned to social marginalization and handicapped for the full personal autonomy and a future outside of their families. In addition, the figures obtained from official statistics offer impressive results. It is known that the national youth unemployment rate is the first highest in the European Union, with 39.5% in January of this year 2021. On the other hand, according to the Active Population Survey of the National Institute of Statistics in the Community Autónoma de Madrid, the youth unemployment rate during the third quarter of 2021 is 27.76%. Likewise, it is relevant to note that about 30% of young Spanish university students cannot find a job four years after graduating, which can lead them to a situation of social exclusion, after all the work and effort made.
In this way and taking this situation into account, Helsinki Spain in collaboration with the Community of Madrid has once again launched the “Pro Bono – Pro Youth” Project, aimed at university youth between 18 and 35 years of age who is in a situation of unemployment or vulnerability and social exclusion to offer them job guidance and encourage social collaboration. Thanks to the personal interview, the employability training session, individualized mentoring and volunteering, the project has helped more than 1,000 young people.
Throughout the years of the project, although the objective of “Pro Bono – Pro Youth” is to improve the employability of young people, it also sets the challenge of getting each of the participants out of unemployment thanks to a network renewed contacts and new tools acquired after the training and orientation process received. Due to such work, the project was selected and awarded with an AEIF (Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund) grant from the United States Department of State as it was considered an innovative project within the area of entrepreneurship and youth employment and counted, among its mentors and mentors, with fellows and former fellows from the Department of State. Throughout the past six editions, it has also received support from the Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Equality, the United States Embassy, former alumni associations of the US Department of State, and the Eures Network.
This year, the training course will take place online on December 9, 2021, so from Helsinki Spain we encourage you to register through the following link: https://forms.gle/swqPmcJh5Aof2y7K6

Oct 20, 2021 | Youth to Youth
On Monday, October 25, the canarian youth enrolled in Youth for Youth began the training course on Human Rights. This course will take place until Friday, October 22, in the Nexo building located on the Tafira campus, thanks to the collaboration of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC). The president of Helsinki Spain, María Jaén, and the Vice-Chancellor for Students, Alumni and Employability of the ULPGC, David Sánchez, opened the course this Monday. (You can see the news at the ULPGC’s web)
Throughout the week, the students will be trained on human rights, sustainable development goals and other related subjects such as gender equality, mental and emotional health, environment protection, migration, refugees and asylum, the fight against bullying. and the responsible use of social networks. The course is given by experts in the different subjects, having the students the opportunity to recreate some of the dynamics that they will later put into practice in the schools.
It will be an intense but crucial week to train and transmit what you have learned to the little ones!

Sep 9, 2021 | Education, Human Rights, Youth to Youth
We are starting strong this course with our human rights education project in Madrid, the Canary Islands and Malaga. “Youth for Youth” is a project based on the education as a fundamental tool for mobilization and social transformation, which tries to raise awareness about social problems, promote debate and critical thinking among the youth and childhood. Helsinki Spain is launching this project with the support of the Community of Madrid and the Ministry of Health.
Don’t let this opportunity slip away! Train yourself with experts and civil society organizations in the defense of human rights and develop workshops through a participatory methodology in schools.
Training date:
Click on the poster and SIGN UP!
If you are interested, you can check more information in Youth to Youth.