We are starting strong this course with our human rights education project in Madrid, the Canary Islands and Malaga. “Youth for Youth” is a project based on the education as a fundamental tool for mobilization and social transformation, which tries to raise awareness about social problems, promote debate and critical thinking among the youth and childhood. Helsinki Spain is launching this project with the support of the Community of Madrid and the Ministry of Health.


Don’t let this opportunity slip away! Train yourself with experts and civil society organizations in the defense of human rights and develop workshops through a participatory methodology in schools.


Training date:


Click on the poster and SIGN UP!


If you are interested, you can check more information in Youth to Youth.


Cartel de difusión Madrid Jóvenes para Jóvenes Helsinki España


Cartel de difusión Canarias Jóvenes para Jóvenes Helsinki España


Cartel de difusión Malaga jóvenes para jóvenes Helsinki España






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