Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Resolution
Free course towards parenting sensibilisation addressing the following topics:
- The emotional intelligence and how can it be integrated from home education.
- Why now? And which are the 21st century challenges in terms of emotional intelligence?
- Identifying the pillars of education throughout life.
- How to express ourselves as models for their learning communication skills.
- Introducing strategies and ways of educating in self-control and conflict resolution from a respectful education.
The course’s primary goal is to identify daily actions, language and routines used to motivate the distancing among the family members. Learn to solve conflicts in order to avoid instability in the family nucleus. Provide the parents the necessary knowledge to upfront difficult family situations with the purpose of achieving harmony within the family where conflict actually unites all the family members.
Our guest speaker, Raquel Martínez González, is a sanitary psychologist for more than 20 years and is also an expert in development and parenting as well as teacher training on the subject of teenagers in riskful situations.
Her work orientation is of cognitive-conductual nature, having complemented such training with specialisation in positive psychology and psychosomatic medicine.
In the past few years, she has been profoundly dedicated to training and developing emotional intelligence in the schools and family homes.
In this 2021 course’s edition, due to the sanitary emergency in which we find ourselves, it will be held on the Zoom platform.
Dates: saturday 8th May 2021
Hours: 10am – 12pm
Cost: free of charge